>Ian Dawson
>Figura; Micro Macro, DURDEN AND RAY, Los Angeles USA and Neimenster, Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster Luxembourg 2019
Curated by Alison Woods, David Leapman, Carlos Beltran Arechiga, and Ivana Cekovic
Artists: Carlos Beltran Arechiga (USA), EC (UK), Ivana Cekovic (Luxemborg), Joe Davidson (USA), Ian Dawson (UK), Jeff Desome (Luxemborg) & Carlos Lopez Estrada (USA), Tom Dunn (USA), Brian Thomas Jones (USA), Katarzyna Kot (Luxemborg), David Leapman (USA), Bertrand Ney (Luxemborg), Karolina Pernar (Luxemborg), Alison Woods (USA)
Works in the show carry the idea of the figura, of a thing representing an ideal, a symbol or digit that adds up to something else. And in the case of the selected artists the essence of humanity might be seen to be outlined. From David Leapmans large un-stretched canvas using interference paint to scrawl glyphic information across its surface to Dawson's crude digitally animated busts, where algorithms enact emotions onto scans taken from wax Madame Tussaud figures.
By seeing the works together, the audience may experience what scientists often notice: that there is a visual and organizational similarity between the smallest cells viewed through a microscope and the cosmic megastructures of the solar system made visible through telescopes.
With Figura: Micro Macro, Durden and Ray will mostly exhibit artists from one of the world’s largest countries, the United States, together with artists from one of Europe’s tiniest countries, Luxembourg. (Luxembourg at 998 square miles is even smaller than the smallest state in the U.S., Rhode Island at 1,045 square miles.)
The exhibition will travel from Durden and Ray’s urban gallery in the Fashion District of Los Angeles, to Luxembourg, where the artist collective miMO will host the exhibition in an ancient former monastery
>Figura; Micro Macro, DURDEN AND RAY, Los Angeles USA, 3-24 August 2019, and Neimenster, Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster Luxembourg, 6-29 September 2019.
Curated by Alison Woods, David Leapman, Carlos Beltran Arechiga, and Ivana Cekovic